The Right to Keep and Arm Bears
In a Senate vote last week, a bill permitting concealed handgun license holders to carry in national parks passed when 27 Democrats crossed the aisle to vote with the Republicans. This week will bring even more change when the same Democrats take a giant first step toward overturning Democrat promoted legislation passed during the gun control heyday of 1994. Senate Veterans Affairs Committee members are this week expected to pass the Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act out of committee. The bill, co-sponsored by Virginia Democrat Jim Webb and North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, will then go to a floor vote where it is likely to pass with only minor opposition.
h/t to Mule Breath
At 20/5/09 14:35 ,
I like that- when the going gets tough, the tough cook something.
Here's the funny thing:
You can CARRY the gun, but it's still illegal to SHOOT the gun.
It's just a dick thing.
The gun banners and the gun nuts like to fight each other while the rest of us in the middle have our home defense guns, hunting guns, and lets-go-shoot-some-shit-at-the-gun range guns.
(I did carry a gun some years ago when I hiked in the smokies. I'd rather get three hots and a cot than become bear poop)
Here's the problem today about veterans and the views of the military:
During the Bush misadministration, to be against the war was to hate the troops so that the rite wingers could paint any naysayers as hippie liberals, ala Vietnam protestors. With that, there arose this "Military Worship" in this country, with everyone tripping over each other trying to prove how loyal they were to the country by talking about how much they loved the troops, and would support almost any hair-brained scheme as long as it was percieved to be in their support.
This veteran's second amendment support this is a very good example of the hair-brained side. I mean, if someone were good enough to be a soldier and fight for this country, they should have the right to carry a gun, right?
If war didn't play hell on people, the V.A. hospitals wouldn't have a psychiatric wing (for those who want to pick apart this argument by stating that perhaps the hospitals don't have the Psych ward, I will counter that the V.A. does provide counseling, so zip it, ditto head).
If you're crazy, you're crazy, and you shant have automatic protection of the right to carry a gun. Especially if you've been in the situation in which people shooting at you and roadside bombs going off is what set off your coo-coo clock.
At 22/5/09 00:22 ,
I figured I'd just lay it out so that I wouldn't make 12 5-line entries explaing myself.
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