Respect is an R&B tune and Love is a misapplied algorithm on Dr. T's (you better believe it's a proctology exam, sucka) pandora soundtrack.
In all such things my young padawan, consult the wise Jedi Machiaveli. And bring a gun as well as Teddy's big stick. (uh, that's rooseveldt, not sikorski)
Dearest Yooj, Once again you misoverestimate yourself, as you didn't remember that Respect is found between repulsive and retarded in the dictionary, both of which you are, and that the only things that truely fear you are the toilet seat and the phone receiver, as the eminations from your corpus really leave people dumbfounded as to whether you are coming or going.
Mello-- I don't think so. Consider the classic family dynamic related to the screw-up sibling/cousin/etc. The rest of the family "loves" this critter in that they'll do whatever they can to help him (including--in some cases--letting him reap what he sows). I don't think "respect" enters into this equation.
When did this become a touchy-feely, play nice or else, kum-bai-ya fest? Are these meant to be pithy philisophical questions through which we will plumb the very depths of our soul? Or is it a chance to be snarky/clever/rude with a wink and a grin?
I thought we were allowed to respond indignantly, just long as we responded.
If blogs are limited to only shiny or happy people, what kind of double-blind study will you have? "People prefer vanilla over vanilla one to one. Boring film at eleven."
If'n you take offense at KAI on my behalf, it's misguided as this is just good clean fun during a VERY stressful time at the ol' saltmine. I for one welcome the this forum as a chance to vent at friends what I wish I could say to huddled masses of stupidity that bespot this orb. It's a chance to say mean things to people I like as opposed to my customers or staff and do so without actually risking a lawsuit or worse.
If I have offended the gentle eyes of the PDRofI readership than I appologise and will limit my comments to the drab, boring and intellectually sterile.
I thought your comments were already boring and intellectually sterile. If it's a race to the bottom common denomenator, sign me up as the marathon's chairman, as there is nothing funnier than being drunk and pulling fingers. 8 to 80, hands down.
The idea behind the Discussion Questions is to actually stimulate intelligent conversation, as opposed to dick-and-fart jokes. The rest of the blog (hell, the rest of the blogosphere) is available for that.
I'm not sure.. to take this back to a more appropriate purpose. Ted is right that one does not necessitate the other, but Mellow is right about them being tied. I NEED the love that is built on respect. Otherwise it rings hollow to me. So, BOTH. Not one or the other.
At 11/12/07 18:32 ,
MelloYello said...
is respect not a prerequisite of love?
At 11/12/07 18:48 ,
Love requires respect, but respect requires that you shut the hell up and do as you're told or you're fired.
At 12/12/07 00:12 ,
Yankee John said...
I'll take feared.
Respect is an R&B tune and Love is a misapplied algorithm on Dr. T's (you better believe it's a proctology exam, sucka) pandora soundtrack.
In all such things my young padawan, consult the wise Jedi Machiaveli. And bring a gun as well as Teddy's big stick. (uh, that's rooseveldt, not sikorski)
top that kaiser lilliput.
At 12/12/07 19:16 ,
Dearest Yooj,
Once again you misoverestimate yourself, as you didn't remember that Respect is found between repulsive and retarded in the dictionary, both of which you are, and that the only things that truely fear you are the toilet seat and the phone receiver, as the eminations from your corpus really leave people dumbfounded as to whether you are coming or going.
Tag, you're it.
At 12/12/07 19:47 ,
RugbyGirlMD said...
you boys really have reached the lowest common denominator, haven't you
At 13/12/07 07:04 ,
Ted said...
Heather's right. Play nice, YJ and KAI, or I'll have to start moderating.
--I came here for an argument!
--Oh, I'm sorry. This is abuse. Two doors down.
--Thank you (leaves).
--Stupid git.
At 13/12/07 07:08 ,
Ted said...
I don't think so. Consider the classic family dynamic related to the screw-up sibling/cousin/etc. The rest of the family "loves" this critter in that they'll do whatever they can to help him (including--in some cases--letting him reap what he sows). I don't think "respect" enters into this equation.
At 14/12/07 20:13 ,
Yankee John said...
When did this become a touchy-feely, play nice or else, kum-bai-ya fest? Are these meant to be pithy philisophical questions through which we will plumb the very depths of our soul? Or is it a chance to be snarky/clever/rude with a wink and a grin?
I thought we were allowed to respond indignantly, just long as we responded.
If blogs are limited to only shiny or happy people, what kind of double-blind study will you have? "People prefer vanilla over vanilla one to one. Boring film at eleven."
If'n you take offense at KAI on my behalf, it's misguided as this is just good clean fun during a VERY stressful time at the ol' saltmine. I for one welcome the this forum as a chance to vent at friends what I wish I could say to huddled masses of stupidity that bespot this orb. It's a chance to say mean things to people I like as opposed to my customers or staff and do so without actually risking a lawsuit or worse.
If I have offended the gentle eyes of the PDRofI readership than I appologise and will limit my comments to the drab, boring and intellectually sterile.
At 14/12/07 21:16 ,
I thought your comments were already boring and intellectually sterile.
If it's a race to the bottom common denomenator, sign me up as the marathon's chairman, as there is nothing funnier than being drunk and pulling fingers. 8 to 80, hands down.
Ted with his shirt off is a close second.
At 15/12/07 16:34 ,
Ted said...
The idea behind the Discussion Questions is to actually stimulate intelligent conversation, as opposed to dick-and-fart jokes. The rest of the blog (hell, the rest of the blogosphere) is available for that.
Aw, hell. Who am I kidding?
At 15/12/07 17:27 ,
Embrace your inner dick and fart joke. That's what I respect about you.
See? Full circle.
At 30/12/07 17:29 ,
Jenny said...
I'm not sure.. to take this back to a more appropriate purpose. Ted is right that one does not necessitate the other, but Mellow is right about them being tied. I NEED the love that is built on respect. Otherwise it rings hollow to me. So, BOTH. Not one or the other.
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