The People's Democratic Republic of Insomnia

"It's just laser beams and power chords--there's no plot at all."

Friday, July 31, 2009

Discussion Question

There's a new Sherlock Holmes movie in the works, due out late this year. Robert Downey Jr as Holmes--what happened, did this guy run out of money? All of a sudden he's working again. I don't know a lot about the plot, but it doesn't seem to be from the canon. From the preview I saw the other day it appears a bit tongue-in-cheek.

So this week's DQ is: What do our resident Irregulars (irregular residents?) think about this upcoming film?


  • At 6/8/09 19:37 , Blogger KAISER ANDY I said...

    From what I gather, it's a story made up of an amalgomation of bits and characters from other stories with some crap about a love interest.
    I'm sure I'll go watch it, even though I don't expect much from it.

  • At 7/8/09 17:34 , Blogger Ted said...

    *pshaw* Love interest. Everyone knows Holmes' love interest was Watson.

    Wait, hold on a second...

    [dons asbestos underpants]

    ...all right, commence the flamewar!

  • At 8/8/09 05:51 , Blogger Richard Noggin said...

    Not so much into Sherlock Hemlock.
    Robert Downey needs to stick to movies like the ones directed by the late John Hughes and concentrate on being Tony Stark.

  • At 8/8/09 12:37 , Blogger Ted said...

    Downey did an amazing job as Stark. He was born to play that role.

  • At 8/8/09 17:37 , Blogger KAISER ANDY I said...

    he is stark the way charlie sheen plays himself on TV.

    Back to Holmes-
    He called women distractions. The only reason that he liked Irene was because she bested him at his own game.

  • At 9/8/09 02:30 , Blogger Richard Noggin said...

    Excellent points. Props to both of you.


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