The People's Democratic Republic of Insomnia

"It's just laser beams and power chords--there's no plot at all."

Friday, August 31, 2007

Who Knew?

I just took a music test online, and it turns out I'm not tone deaf after all. In fact, my tone discrimination is slightly above average. On the other hand, my pitch and rhythm discrimination are pretty terrible, which explains why my career as a drummer never took off.

Don't believe me? Follow this link:


  • At 5/9/07 19:30 , Blogger Yankee John said...

    I scored a 72% on the tone quiz.

    It would have been higher, but I've been slowly deafened by your awful signing and chainsaw-like snoring.

    Oh look, Ted caught another fish.

  • At 5/9/07 19:31 , Blogger Yankee John said...

    it meant singing, not signing.

    but your signing it pretty bad too. Quick, which finger I am holding up?

  • At 5/9/07 19:32 , Blogger Yankee John said...

    I meant "I", not "it", but I'll stop before I mispell something else and I have the never-ending comment post.

  • At 7/9/07 13:55 , Blogger KAISER ANDY I said...

    put down the keyboard and slowly back away.


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