Sick of this Life...
Been pretty damned sick the last couple of days. Without getting overly disgusting with the details, let's just say that I've been feverish and spending a lot of time sitting in the bathroom. The annoying thing is that I haven't been quite sick enough to stay home from work. It tends to be really hard to find a replacement, especially on short notice, so I have to be about unable to stand before I'll skip a shift. So the last couple of days have been fairly miserable. Not sleeping well because of symptoms, then having to go to work. Today I'm off; didn't have to get out of bed until I was damned good and ready. Slept for about 13 hours with only occasional bathroom breaks, had some really bizarre dreams, and my gut seems to be settling down.
At 24/1/12 23:53 ,
Richard Noggin said...
Perhaps you need an injec... Oh, never mind.
Do I need to make you some Chicken Soup?
At 26/1/12 19:16 ,
Let me write a perscription for you, my good mortician:
Glass of broth with garlic oil followed by one shot of bourbon, followed by wrapping yourself in a blanket while you watch episodes of Eureka on SyFy. Repeat as neccessary.
At 12/2/12 08:09 ,
Ted said...
Seawolf: Feeling much better now, how 'bout some chili instead?
KAI: Can I watch Firefly instead?
At 15/2/12 23:43 ,
Richard Noggin said...
Come and get it.
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