The People's Democratic Republic of Insomnia

"It's just laser beams and power chords--there's no plot at all."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Discussion Question: Literary Edition

If you could burn one book in all of literature, would you? If so, which one?

OK, now what if you HAD TO burn one book?


  • At 11/3/10 03:05 , Blogger Richard Noggin said...

    Gordon Graham's Distribution Inventory Management. I've already burned 96 copies of that Mother F'er. Send more copies because I'm getting cold. Is the Wolf angry??? You mighty right!!!

  • At 15/3/10 21:45 , Blogger KAISER ANDY I said...

    Tough one. What are we considering literature? With the exception of S.A.CD I stick mostly with history. Billy Budd kinda sucked, Frankenstein bored me to tears by the third chapter, I thought Holden Caulfield was retarded,and Shakespear confuses me in the original phrasing.

    What book to burn...hmmm...Maybe the book of mormon?


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